Wednesday, November 13, 2013


ood things happened this week :)  It's sad to see the transfer coming to a close, but we've had some super great experiences as a 4 person companionship. :)
This week we met with a few new people for the second time, the girl I met on the train the other week ago, Yoko and Taka (soooo amazing!!!!), rode my bike an hour and a half in POURING rain to see a potential investigator-she's Hindi, from India, but says we can come back anytime.  She's interesting, that religion/culture is very different from anything I've ever heard of.  She's super nice though, and was accepting of us teaching her about our church.  We'll see what happens with her.
On Saturday Willden Shimai and I dendou'd with Ramos Shimai allllll day!  It was super fun. :)  She really wants to serve a mission in a year and I know she'll be such an awesome missionary. :) She's pretty much part of our companionship anyway.  Always wants to help with missionary work.  We all took turns knocking on people's doors and saying our message will CHANGE THEIR LIFE!  We didn't find time?
Sorry it's a short one, we're teaching a little more lately and having more fun which is super good.  We recite D&C 4 every day, it's a good uplifter!  Our mission scripture is D&C 128:22, another good one :)

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